Supplier payment / Dollar purchase

Having difficulty acquiring the dollars for supplier’s payment? Unable to send payment to a supplier? We’re here to assist you.

If you need to purchase dollars for your supplier’s payment, or just need to send those funds via bank wire transfer, we can definitely assist you.

As always, we make it easy as 1-2-3.


Send a payment to supplier


* Please make sure that all information including their spelling is 100% correct. Any wrong data would definitely cause your payment to bounce back, causing delays and extra charges. Kindly review before submitting the form.

* We cannot send to personal accounts

  • We need to know where to send proof of payment
  • Accepted file types: jpg, pdf.
    File format should be in .jpg or .pdf with maximum size of 1MB only.

Notes :

  • Be sure to send us copy of your deposit slip so we can start the process.
  • Give us lead time of 48 – 72 hours upon receipt of your copy of deposit slip (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays not included) before we send you proof of payment to your supplier.
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